about marla
My first introduction to yoga was in 1976, at home in Rochester, New York watching a public television program with Richard Hittleman. I bought his book, called Yoga – 28 Day Exercise Plan and practiced it during my college years. When I transfer to UC Berkeley from Buffalo, New York I was happy to find myself in a community that embraced alternative therapies and offered public yoga classes. It was a great complement to my fitness program, and I practiced on and off for many years before becoming a dedicated practitioner.
I moved to Los Angeles, California in 1982 and worked in the financial services industry for 14 years before becoming disenchanted and decided I needed to change directions. After traveling many different roads, I landed in a yoga teacher training program with Cloud Nine Yoga in Redondo Beach, California. Erika Faith Calig was the director of the program and she inspired me to explore the many different styles of Hatha Yoga.

After completing my first 200 hour training program, I began to teach basic hatha yoga classes in the beach cities of Los Angeles. I have deepened my studies with many teachers, each one bringing more excitement and hunger for more! To acknowledge each teacher who has insprired my yoga practice I must especially thank the following: Shiva Rea who gracefully brings the yoga postures to life through her creative dance and movement; Erich Schiffmann, who taught me to just take a seat, sit quiet and listen to my own intuitive sense; Richard Freeman and David Swenson, who somehow made me think that someday I would be able to fly; Bryan Kest, who can take a simple pose and challenge me to the be in it and breathe; Chappy Foote for sharing his love of music and the power music brings to a yoga practice; Julian Walker, who shared his wisdom of the bodies energetics and his love for poetry. Many thanks to Larry Payne, who introduced me to the art of yoga as therapy, a journey continually inspiring me every day, teaching me that loving kindness is the key to good health, He is the most kind and compassionate being, and a blessing to have as my teacher, my mentor and my friend.
I am so grateful to be teaching in the Los Angeles community, with so many opportunities to continue to learn and grow. I am registered with the Yoga Alliance at the E-RYT 500 level and offer classes for all levels of students. I am also registered with the International Association of Yoga Therapists, recently completing the two year certification program in Yoga Therapy from Loyola Marymount University. I am part of the physical education department at a private school in Rolling Hills, California, teaching children's yoga for the first through sixth grade. The kid's yoga classes are so playful, and they help me to feel lighter, letting go of the restraints that we learn as adults, reminding me to bark like a dog and meow like a cat when I stretch!"If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it!!!"……….a lesson from my best friend, my dog Penny…